SkyTeam Corporate Connection has landed triumphantly in Hong Kong!

SkyTeam’s collaborative corporate contracting solution last month marked its debut to premier agencies in Hong Kong.
Date 23 May 2024

SkyTeam Corporate Connection expands its reach after landing successfully in Hong Kong

After months of intensive effort and preparation, SkyTeam Corporate Connection (SCC) debuted in Hong Kong on 24 April.

A SkyTeam Corporate Connection agreement provides companies with tailor-made, flexible travel solutions. A single contract connects organizations with their chosen member airlines and brings everything together with one point of contact – making it simple to arrange their corporate travel needs.

The expansion into Hong Kong realizes SCC’s ambition to foster collaboration and innovation in this thriving market.

Xu Chen, senior program manager, B2B Revenue Development said: “Last year’s successful 12-month pilot of the program illuminated the potential for SCC to serve as a commercial framework.

“This will empower our members to excel in markets where our overall presence is not as strong, so it is great to be in a position where we and new SCC customers can start taking advantage of the benefits this will provide.”

Following approval of the SCC Executive Board, SCC will now embark on identifying the opportunities from ‘white spots’ in our network, guided by the expertise of the Sales Advisory Group.