Update on SCL

SkyTeam’s newest lounge in Santiago Chile is nearing completion, despite delays due to COVID-19.
Date 5 August 2020

Due to the current pandemic, the terminal and airport where the new lounge is located are closed to passengers. Unfortunately, we do not expect the lounge to open before the end of December 2020.

As the country reopens and airlines add back service, the airport will update the terminal situation.

SkyTeam’s lounge team will endeavor to keep all relevant teams updated as an opening date becomes clearer.

Click through below to see some progress images versus renderings from the lounge.

  • Status update moving office Last week, the WTC office started to be dismantled. The first step was the move of some plants to a special storage. Additionally, Marjolein, together with Sohyun, Delia, Karen, Adri, Edwin and Van Anh have done a tremendous job ranging from decoupling all IT equipment (conference phones, workstations, network cables, etc.), to moving filing cabinets and garbage bins, to stickering furniture to be moved to our new office or storage, to throwing out all personal belongings and cleaning up the pantry. With this complete, the office is now ready for the big move which is taking place today and tomorrow. The movers will pick up all furniture to deliver to our new office. Furniture that does not fit in our smaller Phase 1 office space will be stored temporarily until the entire SkyTeam wing in the KLM building becomes available in Q3, 2021. Unfortunately, there is no space for all furniture, so a wholesaler will pick up all remaining items on Wednesday.