Customer Promise Team: our journey to becoming the leading customer-centric alliance

Discover how we’re repositioning the SkyTeam Brand to match our ambitions and serve as the beacon for development, innovation and communications.
Date 22 June 2023

How the Customer Promise Team is pushing boundaries to cement our position as the leading customer-centric alliance, anticipating extended expectations

SkyTeam is in the process of recruiting a new Head of Marketing and Sustainability. Under their leadership, the team will continue to push boundaries in the following areas of focus:

Seamlessness, innovation and sustainability are woven into the SkyTeam transformation platform. To make sure we meet today’s fast-paced aviation challenges head-on, the Customer Promise Team is taking these a step further with a deep-dive into our brand values, and repositioning the SkyTeam brand. So we can be confident the SkyTeam brand reflects our ambitions and serves as a beacon for value development, innovation and communications.

SkyTeam has long been the leading airline alliance when it comes to Loyalty. The Customer Promise Team is working hard to make sure we remain the industry leader. From seamless accruals and sustainability, to benefits, Miles as Form of Payment, and rewards, the team is charting the future of Loyalty so that SkyTeam remains at the cutting edge of industry innovations.

Sustainability leadership has quickly become a core part of SkyTeam’s DNA, with the RISE Female Leadership Program, The Sustainable Flight Challenge, and the establishment of alliance-wide Sustainability Standards – all brilliant examples of how SkyTeam is delivering across multiple aspects of sustainability. Expect to see more in this space as we bring our long-term strategy to life.