Notice Anything Different?

At SkyTeam we love to share. Whether it’s sharing information, sharing expertise between members, or teaching each other new ways to do things, collaboration is at the heart of our alliance.
Date 20 June 2018

This is why InTouch is so important to us. It’s not just a newsletter; it’s a way of shining a light on what’s happening right across the alliance.

We’ve given it a fresh look and feel and made it easier to navigate, so you can scroll through the layout to pick and choose the stories that appeal most to you, in the order that works for you.

We pride ourselves on offering our customers a seamless, stress-free and enjoyable experience, with digital innovations driving ongoing improvements in the service they receive. We thought it was only right that we enjoy the same benefits when catching up on what’s happening at SkyTeam.

We hope you’ll like our new look, and we’d welcome your feedback. Maybe you have a story of your own you’d like to share? Get in touch with Klara at